Been reading Romans 6,7,8 and just truly feel like I beat myself up for everything and that's not God's will for me. I take on too much stress. And its stupid!!! There is so much freedom to be had to she who is willing to believe and bank on God's promises!
For years I thought all I was, was a mistake. An accident. A cruel joke God was playing. And all I ever was, was a depressed, mistake, an accident, a cruel joke God was playing.
No matter how much therapy a person can have, nothing can change you, like the finger of God. A moment when He touches your life and shows you how better life would be, if you knew Him, clung to Him, chose to answer His call. In Psych class, we're learning about behavior, and it kills me to think how some people look at the outward behavior and think they can come to some resolve to work hard to change it. Obviously, I know not all people feel that way, it's just a general observation. However, I used to be that way. I felt like I was nothing, therefore, I was nothing.
When He called me to Him, I answered, and alas, He told me I am His beloved, His treasure, worth dying for. And at first I thought, "why is this infinite God calling a nothing like me?" And as time passed, you know what I realized... I am His beloved, His treasure, and worth dying for. Not because I think I am, but because He says I am! Jesus paid the price for me to be free in Him, why add stress to myself? This world is stressful enough, without my two cents. He says I'm worth DYING FOR! And, because He said so, it is!
When He called me to Him, I answered, and alas, He told me I am His beloved, His treasure, worth dying for. And at first I thought, "why is this infinite God calling a nothing like me?" And as time passed, you know what I realized... I am His beloved, His treasure, and worth dying for. Not because I think I am, but because He says I am! Jesus paid the price for me to be free in Him, why add stress to myself? This world is stressful enough, without my two cents. He says I'm worth DYING FOR! And, because He said so, it is!
The enemy wants me to be weighed down by the temporary pleasures of this world, he wants me to feel obligated to give works unto a mighty God who has called me from darkness into marvelous light. He wants me to add pressure, and rules and commandments to my faith, but, the gift of God is LIFE through Christ Jesus, His Son. It is a gift of grace and mercy. A Holy God coming down to a sinner like me, and transforming me from sinner to saint, from death to life. In Jesus, because of the cross, I am free. And no work I do can ever do for me what Christ did on the tree. I've been self-centered, and proud, giving myself more stress and worry, and for what?
I suppose I'm thinking too much as I sit here and do homework, but I just felt like it was worth mentioning, to God, and to you!
I suppose I'm thinking too much as I sit here and do homework, but I just felt like it was worth mentioning, to God, and to you!
I surrender.
What about you?
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 6:23
Listening to the fan whirling, as I avoid studying for Psych!!
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