Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jesus, bring me paper

Yesterday, my kids (niece and nephew) and I talked through how Jesus wants us to go to Him for all things. He wants us to be dependent on Him in every way, and how whenever we are scared, hurt, sad, or whatever, that the Lord alone can be our comfort or help. This is something we talk about consistently.

So today, my niece tells me that yesterday she and my nephew were playing and that after a while they got bored and wanted to color, and so my nephew, out of no where, asked Jesus to get him a paper and pencil to draw. LOL This lil lazy guy, figured since God can care for him and do anything, he asked him to bring him something to draw with!

Needless to say, I laughed a lot, yet was awesomely impressed with my nephew’s faith. Reminded me of Jesus talking with the disciples as they ask him who is the greatest. Jesus brings over a child and tells them, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” - Matt. 18:4

My nephew has a sweet faith in the Lord. He is very theologically sound, and will often inform people that Jesus IS God. Lol. I love that. During his vacation, we get to do daily devotionals, and being ever precocious, he always has some deep and wise application for the Word. It was very heartwarming to hear him being so dependent on God, that He would even ask Him to bring him paper and pencil. I read the story of the blind beggar to him a while back, and as he listened to me, he stops me and asks, “how long has he been a bagel?!” I was almost sad to have to explain that he was a beggar not a bagel.

I thought this was a very encouraging story, so I had to share. If a child can understand that God is able to do anything, and we can ask him for anything, and he can believe that and do it, WHY oh why wicked heart of mine, do I struggle to be like my four year old nephew who understands the simplicity of a loving God who cares about every single need, even one as little as a pencil and paper?

Such a great lesson, Lord of my soul. I hear you. Thank you.

Oh, and just to conclude the story, I asked my niece if she gave him the tools to draw, she said no, eventually my nephew got up to get it. Lol. God gave him the strength and motivation to get the tools himself, our Savior hears us. He doesn't always respond how we want, but He hears us. Praise Him!

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” –1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)       

Listening to CNN report on Sandy... Lord be with the ppl that desperately need you in the East Coast! Praying for you all!  

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